MCCC invites businesses to its annual Workforce Development Business Roundtable

By Diane VanDyke
CNBC Economics Editor Jeff Cox will be the keynote speaker at this year's online Workforce Development Business Roundtable at Montgomery County Community College. Photo courtesy of Jeff Cox

CNBC Economics Editor Jeff Cox will be the keynote speaker at this year's online Workforce Development Business Roundtable at Montgomery County Community College. Photo courtesy of Jeff Cox

Montgomery County Community College’s Workforce Development Division wants to help businesses by connecting them to valuable resources to strengthen their workforce and improve their competitive advantage.

To share this information, MCCC is inviting businesses to attend their annual online Workforce Development Business Roundtable on June 14, from 10 a.m. to noon. The Zoom event is free, but registration is requested.  

This year’s keynote speaker is Jeff Cox, Economics Editor for CNBC, who will be discussing the U.S. economy and key points of interest. Highly regarded in his profession, Cox interviews some of the smartest and most well-respected financial analysts in the world and is a frequent commentator on NBC News Now, CNBC, and MSNBC. He also is the co-author of two business books and has garnered many awards throughout his journalism career.

MCCC’s Director of Workforce Development Bernadette DeBias will begin the roundtable by discussing the advantages of the Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA). WEDnetPA is an alliance of educational providers across Pennsylvania, and MCCC is the Montgomery County partner for this network. Through WEDnetPA, companies can receive state training grants for training their employees. DeBias will discuss eligibility for the program, application timelines, ranking criteria, funding availability and best practices for the new funding round that begins July 1, 2023, and continues through June 30, 2024.

In addition to featuring WEDnetPA, MCCC’s Director of Workforce Development for Information Technology, Larry Byron, will discuss the College’s new MontcoWorks Apprenticeship Program and Earn and Learn Pathway within information technology.

The Business Roundtable also will include speakers from Montgomery County’s Workforce Development Board (MontcoWorks), who will discuss Montgomery County’s most current labor market information. Free mini-training sessions on areas such as Vision Alignment and Execution for Leaders, Mind Mapping Barriers to Retaining Employees, Empowering an Organization with Microsoft Teams, and MCCC’s Career Services as a Resource to Businesses will be offered. Participants will be able to attend the break-out session of their choosing and be able to interact with MCCC’S talented workforce trainers, who specialize in training business and industry within key targeted areas like leadership, continuous improvement, technology, and more.

Montgomery County Community College’s Workforce Development Division can customize training for area companies and deliver the training onsite or virtually.  Interested parties can contact Bernadette DeBias at MCCC also assists companies in developing their training plans and submitting to WEDnetPA.