What is Respondus Lockdown Browser 

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a customized browser that increases the security of online testing in Canvas. When students use Respondus Lockdown Browser to take a Canvas test, they are unable to print, copy, visit another website, access other applications or programs on their computer, or close a test until it is submitted for grading. 

Respondus Lockdown Browser functions much like a standard internet browser, but some options have been removed or work differently. 

Below is a list of some of the differences. 

image of respondus lockdown browser toolbar


  • Modified Toolbar- The condensed toolbar includes only Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Information, and and Insert Symbol functions. 
  • Test Mode- Tests are full-screen and cannot be minimized, resized, or exited until submitted for grading.
  • Disabled Controls- All printing, keyboard shortcuts, screen shots, functions keys, and right-click menus have been disabled.
  • Links- Links to other web servers open in a new, secure window and prevents students from browsing beyond that page. 
  • Blocked Features & Applications- The Windows and Start button, system tray, and menu bars are removed.


Respondus Monitor

Respondus Monitor is a webcam feature of Respondus LockDown Browser. Respondus Monitor records students while they are taking an online, non-protected test. If this feature is enabled, students are required to use a webcam and microphone with Respondus LockDown Browser. Once the test in complete, the instructor can review the exam and the video recording for any discrepancies. 


How to Install Respondus LockDown Browser on PC or MAC


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How Do I Know If My Instructor Requires LockDown Browser? 

If an Instructor requires you to take a test with Respondus LockDown Browser, you will see "Requires Respondus LockDown Browser" next to the name of the test. 

image showing that respondus lockdown is required

When you see this, you will need to use or Install Respondus LockDown Browser to access and take your test. 

Note:The test will not work in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or any other Browser. 

Installing Respondus LockDown Browser on PC or Mac 

  1. Select the following link:  Download Respondus LockDown Browser.
  2. If necessary, choose Windows or Mac (depending on the type of computer you are using) and select Install Now.
  3. Follow the installation instructions. 
  4. You should see the LockDown Browser icon on your Desktop after you finish the installation. 

respondus lockdown browser icons

Installing Installing Respondus LockDown Browser on Chromebook 

  1. Select the following link: Download Respondus LockDown Browser 
  2. A new tab will open and you will be directed to the Respondus LockDown Browser Extensions in the Google Chrome store. 
    Select the Add to Chrome button. 
  3. A pop-up extension will appear confirming if you want to install the extension.
    Select Add Extension
  4. When the extension has finished downloading a notification will appear indicating that it has been successfully installed. 
  5. Browse to Canvas in Google Chrome. 
  6. Locate and select the test that requires the use of LockDown Browser.
    Select Begin to start your test.
  7. Wait a few seconds and the LockDown Browser extension will load and the test wll appear.

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