March 11, 2020

Update on coronavirus (COVID-19)

This message was sent to students and employees.

Dear Montco Family,

I want to provide a new update to you on the evolving 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. The College will continue to remain open but with adjustments to our operations based off guidance from the Montgomery County Office of Public Health.

Effective immediately, March 11, 2020, the College will be:

  • Suspending both internal and community events on any of our campuses through Monday, March 30th.
  • Discontinuing travel for college business, both domestic and international, through March 30th except with Presidential approval. For personal travel, please operate under CDC Guidance; however, you may need to provide documentation before returning to campus.
  • Working to make the College ready for remote instruction in the event that it is needed; in order to do so, we are halting instruction during March 23-29th. At this time, we intend for all classes to restart in their current delivery mode or remotely on March 30th. An update on the delivery method will be provided when available. The continuity of class delivery is critical to the success of our students.
  • Starting the second seven-week session on March 30th.
  • Closing an additional day for Spring Break, Wednesday, March 18th. All campuses will be closed Wednesday, March 18th, through Friday, March 20th. We will utilize the Spring Break week to continue our preparation efforts.

I appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this difficult time together. Be assured that I will continue to update you as new information becomes available. Please remember to visit our webpage,, for further updates.

With Mustang Pride,

Dr. Victoria L. Bastecki-Perez
Interim President and Provost